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Image by Cosiela Borta


Anna Anderson Therapy

If you have found my website because you are anxious, I know you may be longing for relief.  To feel peaceful and relaxed.  To stop suffering with physiological symptoms and to be able to think clearly.  When we are anxious, it can be a really lonely and possibly even hopeless place.


If this is you, then having a calm, kind and empathetic professional to talk to, may provide a sense of safety.  I can share specific techniques aimed at reducing anxiety symptoms, helping to ground you to your environment, and to encourage activation of the parasympathetic (calming) nervous system.  We can work together towards helping you to feel calmer again.

The aim of our work together is to get you to a stage where you feel you are more in control. We can then explore the possible underlying causes of anxiety, including your own individual internal processes, allowing you the opportunity to change thoughts, perceptions and behaviours, to reduce the pressure fuelling uncomfortable states of being. Gaining this understanding helps get anxiety under control and sets up for long term change.


Our nervous systems can become dysregulated when we are young, impacted by parenting, messages we internalised around right and wrong, or through trauma.  This can create hardwired patterns of thoughts, behaviours and relating to others, which continue into adult life and which we don’t tend to address … until we reach a point where anxiety has taken over.

I can share specific techniques aimed at reducing anxiety symptoms, helping to ground you to your environment, and to encourage activation of the parasympathetic (calming) nervous system.

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