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Parenting & Single Parents

Anna Anderson Therapy

Becoming a single parent can be a hugely overwhelming time in your life, I have been there!  You may suddenly have a child or children to feed, care for, console and you may be harbouring your own hurt, grief and confusion.  Your life was not meant to turn out like this.

  It is possible that you are experiencing anxiety as well as low mood, and may feel you have lost your identity as an individual separate to parenthood.  I aim to provide a space for you to concentrate on YOU for 50 minutes a week, which as a parent may feel like a long-lost luxury.  You can offload your stresses and feel heard and validated.   


You want to be the best parent you can be for your child or children, but may often find yourself feeling guilty for not spending enough time playing with them, or for raising your voice.  Parenting can be hard, there is no question about it! Counselling could however help you to feel more confident and fulfilled, so that you are better able to enjoy this precious time in life.  Often our own childhoods can impact  our values as a parent and thus how we parent; together we can explore what this statement means for you.  

If our relationship with the other parent has broken down, sometimes communication can become stressful and possibly add to the anxiety you may already be experiencing. I can support you in dealing with difficult conversations and arguments and help you to feel more grounded and confident and provide strategies to lessen conflict. 


Single parents may be harbouring grief associated with life not turning out as they hoped.  There was possibly a time you believed in forever with the other parent of your child.  Telling your story can be greatly therapeutic in itself.  I use a combination of  Transactional Analysis and Attachment Theory to help clients make sense of why we are drawn to certain people, and relationship dynamics.

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I aim to provide a space for you to concentrate on YOU for 50 minutes a week,  you can offload your stresses and feel heard and validated.

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