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Couple Hugging

Toxic & Unhealthy Relationships 

Anna Anderson Therapy

The need for connection with others is a fundamental aspect of being human. However, these connections can sometimes become tangled with unhealthy dynamics, leaving us feeling unfulfilled, hurt, or bewildered.



Whether you are grappling with friendships, romantic relationships, or family dynamics, I am here to offer you compassionate support. Together, we can explore the patterns and dynamics within your relationships, using Transactional Analysis and Attachment Theory.  If you wish to, we can delve into your experiences of relationships in childhood, which often provide clues into the reasons you may find yourself relating in certain ways as an adult. 


If our relationship with another person has broken down, sometimes communication can become stressful and possibly add to the anxiety you may already be experiencing.  I can support you in dealing with difficult conversations and arguments and help you to feel more grounded and confident and provide strategies to lessen conflict. 


Are you fed up with the same patterns of ups and downs repeating themselves?  Familiar unpleasant emotions such as anger, frustration and jealousy, stopping you and others you are connected to from being happy.  Together, we can shine a light upon what might be occurring interpersonally and work out what is within your power to improve the dynamic.  Sometimes we may feel like we would be better off walking away from a relationship, but there is something keeping us holding on, or trying to make it better ... we can feel like we are going in circles. 


I can also offer support in developing clearer and stronger boundaries, helping you to work out what may be preventing you from leaving and providing the emotional support and holding you may need through turbulent times or the end of a relationship. 


I look to help you work towards fostering understanding, healing, and ultimately, healthier connections.  How satisfying would it be to navigate your relationships with greater clarity, authenticity, and fulfilment, to feel deeper connections and enrichment to your life!

I am here to offer you compassionate support. Together, we can explore the patterns and dynamics within your relationships.

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