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Why Choose Online Counselling?

I have experience of working both in person and online, but have chosen to work with clients exclusively online due to its many benefits.


I use a secure platform to meet with clients via a video call.  This enables us to see each other as you would face-to-face.  Meeting with a counsellor online can be equally as beneficial and provide the results achieved by meeting with a counsellor in person.  It can be accessed by using an electronic device such as a phone, tablet or laptop …. all you need is an internet connection and somewhere private, where you are able to talk safely, without being interrupted or feeling at risk of being overheard. 




​​Modern life is busy! Adding something else into the week has the danger of feeling as though it might add to the stress you are already experiencing, or it may feel out of your reach. Working online makes accessing therapy viable for those too busy to travel to an appointment, or those who travel often for work. There is no need to worry about what the traffic will be like when you leave your session, or about finding somewhere to park.  Many people even book a meeting room at work to have their session.   


Online counselling can be a better suited option for those who have issues with their mobility or physical health.  Lastly, but still importantly, counselling is a financial commitment.  Removing the expense of a physical room to provide counselling means that I am able to reflect this in my fee, making my services more affordable.

online counselling

The Initial Online Assessment

The assessment itself differs from a standard counselling session, in that I will be ask a list of questions from a questionnaire I have put together.  These questions allow me to gain some insight into some of your experiences in life, identify and assess any possible risk, and ensure I have the information I may need in order to respond to an emergency.  The assessment session will also provide an opportunity  for you to ask any questions and for us both to get an idea of whether we might be a good counsellor/client fit.  


It is worth mentioning that you will probably not get an idea of how I work therapeutically from the assessment, as it's purpose is to prepare for therapeutic work, rather than to focus on therapeutic interventions. 


For some clients, questions in the assessment may bring things up for them.  In light of this possibility, I invite you to consider what you have planned for the rest of the day and if there is anything you might need, for example some reflective time before returning to work.

Image by Andrew Neel

Student Counselling

I offer students a discounted rate of £40 a session.  These places are limited.  This also includes those undertaking counselling studies and wishing to have personal therapy with me, as part of their course requirements.

Online Therapy,  an easy way to access support. 

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